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TravelCars.online is an online system that is a car booking with a driver, from cars to comfortable minibuses and buses in all cities of Uzbekistan. Our online system helps travelers and holidaymakers find a transportation solution for getting around at a bargain price. You can pay for your reservation without leaving your home using the Click and Payme application or international VISA and Master Card.
Transport company "Travel Cars" is becoming a leader in the provision of transport services in the cities of Uzbekistan. We offer full transport services for tourist groups, delegations, annual forums, exhibitions and other events.
Transport company
LLC "Travel Cars"
Address: st. Nukuskaya, 86, building 3, Tashkent, 100015, Uzbekistan
Email mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mob .: +99893 596-92-20, +99897 726-69-89
Mon - Fri (09:00 -18:00)
Sat (10:00-17:00)