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Passenger trains of Uzbekistan
Today, the assigned fleet of passenger cars of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yulari" mainly consists of cars built before the Republic of Uzbekistan gained independence, that is, during the existence of the Central Asian Railway of the USSR Ministry of Railways.
In the period after the collapse of the above ministry, due to financial complications and the breakdown of economic ties between the former republics of the USSR, the global renewal of the assigned fleet of passenger cars of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yulari" was practically not carried out, until 2009, with the exception of a small number of passenger cars purchased from Russia and Germany.
In 2009, the Tashkent plant for the repair of passenger cars mastered the production of new passenger cars of modern models, and from that time on, a gradual renewal of the rolling stock of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yulari", including the assigned fleet of passenger cars, began.
To date, more than 100 passenger cars have already been built that meet modern requirements for comfort and quality of passenger service.Currently, O'ztemiryo'lyo'lovchi JSC has passenger carriages of the following types to provide passenger transportation services:
SV - 18-20 seater docked long-distance carriages with 2-seater compartments;
SV deluxe - 8-seater docked long-distance carriages of increased comfort with 2-seater compartments and the presence of individual bathrooms with a shower in each compartment;
TsMK - 36-40 seater docked long-distance carriages with 4-seater compartments;
CMO - open-type second-class carriages with lying places for 54 seats;
MO - interregional coaches for commuter traffic with hard seats, high-comfort coaches with seating from the "SHARK" and "Uzbekistan" trains;
CMB - baggage cars for the transportation of cargo luggage;
ВР - carriages for restaurants and carriages for bars.
For the attention of passengers, samples of forms of documents on return, booking, replacement of railway travel documents and dispatch of cargo luggage for download:
1. Application for dispatch of cargo luggage.
2. Application for the return of an unused ticket.
3. Application for a refund.
4. Application for booking a ticket.
5. Application for renewal of a travel document.
REGULATIONS OF THE INDUSTRY SERVICE "Sale of electronic travel documents through the web resource of JSC" Uzbekiston Temir Yullari "
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Train timetable for TASHKENT station