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Medical tourism in Uzbekistan
Do you know that you can visit Uzbekistan not only to see the ancient architectural monuments and enjoy the unique nature and culture, but also to improve your health.
Our country can offer you highly qualified medical care at affordable prices.
In Uzbekistan, there is no medical insurance and the service of citizens of the republic in the state hospitals is free of charge. Therefore, we recommend that you to get medical insurance in your country to avoid unnecessary expenses.
So, if you decide to come to Uzbekistan for the treatment, be sure that here you will receive decent medical care at the most advanced standards and at affordable prices.
Sanatoriums in Uzbekistan
If you want to travel with health benefits, come to Uzbekistan! Thanks to its unique nature and climate, our country has long been famous as one of the main health resorts in Central Asia. Here, in each region, there are many health resorts and dispensaries for health recreation.
Most of the health resorts in Uzbekistan are located mainly in rural and foothill areas, which has a positive effect on the treatment of patients.
Clinics and hospitals
In Uzbekistan, all clinics offer a wide range of multidisciplinary services, from complex laboratory, consulting examinations and modern diagnostic methods, to standard procedures and complex surgical operations.
Dental tourism in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has long been a popular destination for dental treatment and prosthetics. Our specialists, in addition to a good basic school of dentistry, are trained in the largest international clinics in Europe and the United States. In particular, in Tashkent, there are a number of dental and orthodontic clinics that are equipped with the most modern equipment, have highly qualified staff with knowledge of foreign languages. They are engaged in an intensive exchange of know-how with the leading foreign medical institutions.
Folk medicine
Uzbek folk medicine grew up on the teachings of Avicenna and, despite ancient traditions, is widely used today. Among the most popular procedures, acupuncture (acupuncture), hirudotherapy (leech treatment), hijama (cupping acupuncture), mud therapy, hydrotherapy (water treatments), climatetherapy and various types of spa treatments are in particular demand.
Popular procedures
Acupuncture is one of the directions of traditional Eastern medicine. From a technical point of view, its essence consists in affecting special points on the human body with a special tool for piercing or for moxibustion or deep warming. In Uzbekistan, acupuncture is recognized as official medicine and you can get similar procedures in almost any medical institution in the country.
Hijama is the oldest method of treating various diseases by bloodletting. In our country, this is a fairly popular and ancient treatment. In Uzbekistan, you can get these procedures both in outpatient clinics in sanatoriums and hospitals, and in small private health centers.
Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) is another of the ancient methods of treatment for improving blood circulation. If you have no contraindications to the use of this type of therapy: hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, cachexia, malignancies, skin diseases, allergic reactions to gerudin, then you can safely go to the clinic that interests you and undergo treatment.
Spa procedures
Spa treatments are a unique method of relaxation, privacy with yourself, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Uzbek Spa specialists will provide professional assistance at all levels of wellness and striving for beauty. In large Spa centers, you can find Spa rooms for wraps, Solarium, massage, peeling, cosmetology rooms, manicure and pedicure rooms, depilation, hydrotherapy baths, Turkish hamams, Finnish saunas and pools, gyms, fitness and yoga rooms.
Cosmetic surgery
If you want to change your image, tighten and correct your face and other body parts - welcome to Uzbekistan. All this can be obtained here at affordable prices and using the latest technologies and methods of cosmetic surgery.
Clinics in Uzbekistan are equipped with the most modern equipment. The specialists have many years of experience working in foreign clinics in this area and speak foreign languages.
Specialized medical travel agencies in your country will help you find the right clinic.
Secrets of Uzbek beauty
The most important secret of Uzbek beauty is the unique nature and people. In Uzbekistan, the sun shines all year round and this affects the mentality and health of people.
Uzbekistan is also famous for its beautiful women, whose beauty was deservedly celebrated by outstanding poets and artists and cultural figures.
"Your face, shining like a mirror, throws a hundred rays into the world, even the sun's blinding light is surpassed by your beauty!" - wrote the great poet and scientist Alisher Navoi about the women of Uzbekistan.
The beauty of ladies in Uzbekistan is undoubtedly unique. It has a characteristic expressiveness of features and a bright eastern appearance. Since ancient times, women in this region have emphasized their sophistication in various ways: braiding numerous braids, emphasizing the length and density of their hair, using recipes of natural remedies to maintain beauty. https://uzbekistan.travel/en/v/medical-tourism/